Lose weight after Thanksgiving!!

Last Thanksgiving I ate everything I wanted and felt like death! This year, I was more in control of my food intake and it felt great! I was stuffed or bloated! The BEST part of all was family members complementing me on how much weight I have lost!! Total NON-SCALE VICTORY!

For BLACK FRIDAY, the next person that joins my challenge and buys a challenge pack will get a GIFT CARD of their choice for FREE!! Contact me for details!!

It's not too late to join my challenge group!! Message me!


Little Black Dress Challenge!!

My next challenge is going to be a little black dress challenge for the upcoming New Year!! The challenge will start December 1st and go all the way to the 31st!!

In the past, I have allowed myself to eat whatever I wanted. Two years ago, I actually gained 20 pounds during the holidays. I was at my highest weight at 239. January 1st, I started my new lifestyle.

You have the chance to avoid
holiday weight gain and look amazing on New Years!!

So get your Challenge Pack now because 2 of the most popular ones are on sale until the end of November!

Here's what you will get:
*A Challenge Pack that includes a months supply of Shakeology!
*Weekly Prizes!
*Private accountability and support by me and other challengers!
*Recipes to get you through the holidays!

Email me at natalienoel@mchsi.com or visit my Facebook page at www.facebook.com/natshakesitoff if you are ready to look your best on New Year's!

Are you the next boss lady?

I'm looking for 3 to 4 dedicated, passionate, hard-working women to join our team!

Since becoming a Beachbody Coach I've been able to:

Make extra money!
Lose 13 pounds and 2 pants sizes!
Stop drinking diet soda!
Become more confident!
Learn more about myself and I have grown through personal development!

If you are interested, message me, visit my Facebook page or fill out my application https://natshakesitoff.wufoo.com/forms/zp5g69906kj883.


*You receive a 25% commission on anything somebody buys from Beachbody through you.
*You receive a 25% discount on all Beachbody products including merchandise & supplements.
*You get paid on a weekly basis, every Thursday morning. Beachbody takes care of everything with customer service, shipping, and distribution. You don't handle inventory at all.

Free 7 day Clean Eating Group!


It’s the season again, the season of holidays!! The time where some of us completely let go of our health and fitness routines and partake in a few too many indulgences. So now I truly feel like this would be a great time to offer a FREE 7 day clean eating group. So many people come to me wanting assistance with clean eating, the basics, and how to get started.

I really have found my life transformed by clean eating and Beachbody workouts, and I want everyone to find their magic rhythm of what works for you with your nutrition and fitness, so that it is indeed, a lifestyle, and not a crash diet.

It was hard to kick some of my previous bad habits like carb overload and chocolate addiction! It was hard to cut out the fries with dinner and to find recipes that our whole family enjoyed. So this was a whole new ball game for me. Sure, it did take time to understand, but I was determined to change my body more than I wanted to stay the same!

So if I can help the process along by giving you a 7 day meal plan, daily accountability, motivation and support, then I am all for it!

What are the requirements?

1. You must make me your official Beachbody Coach by going to my site and creating a FREE profile. This way I can send you recipes, meal plans and monthly motivation and tips to keep you on track with your lifestyle. www.teambeachbody.com/natalienoel

2. You must participate for the 7 days in our online closed facebook group each day!

3. Commit to checking in 1x per day, rating your day and charting your progress.

4. Invite 1 friend to join! Why not bring a few friends along for the ride! There is nothing better than having an accountability partner in the next 7 days!!!! You are more likely to stick with it if you have someone by your side.

What do you get for joining?

1. You get a free 7 day meal plan.
2. A grocery list
3. A place to check in daily, ask questions, get support and motivation.
4. Daily tips that have worked for me.
5. Strategies to handle emotional eating and temptations.

Are you ready to get started? We will begin the group on Monday November 16th so please reserve your spot today!!

Click join to the group!! Feel free to add your friends too!!

Here is the link... https://www.facebook.com/groups/113454382352494/

Cheesy Chicken Pasta recipe

8 ounces of veggie rotini
8 ounces of chicken
1 can of rotel
8 ounces of 2% Velveeta
2 cups of celery. 

Cook chicken and celery together. Boil pasta and drain. Add in chicken and celery, rotel and Velveeta and stir until Velveeta is melted.

One serving = 1 cup. Makes 6 servings. 255 calories per serving.

My Challenge results!

My results are IN! Our next challenge starts November 9th!! If you want in, message me or fill out my application below! You can message me on www.facebook.com/natshakesitoff


21 Day Fix (with insulated bag!) Challenge Pack $140
21 Day Fix Extreme Challenge Pack $140
Cize (with portion control containers!) Challenge Pack $140

21 Day Fix and 21 Day Fix Extreme Kickstart (aka, comes with the 3 Day Refresh!) Challenge Packs $180!

Fill out my online form.
Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.

Last chance to join coach sneak peek!

Last chance to join our 5 day coach sneak peek group on Facebook ! It starts tomorrow and gives you a look into what is like to be a coach and what your potential can be!

My first month as a coach, I earned more than enough money to cover my initial cost of my challenge  pack, advanced to Emerald rank, and earned Success Club! It is only up from here!

Contact me if you are interested in joining this free group! There will be giveaways!

If you already want to be a coach, fill out my application below!

Fill out my online form.
HTML Forms powered by Wufoo.

Hello there!

Hey everyone! Welcome to my new page! I am working on my health and fitness every day, building my business, being a mom of 2 young boys and working as a full time nursing in the operating room.  I have a BUSY life I LOVE! I get to spend all day helping people at the hospital and then come home to my fitness family and change their lives!

I recently got hooked on Cize after gaining back 10 pounds in my weight loss journey.  I had lost 80 pounds since January 2014.  I was down to only losing 70 pounds and was going down a path of self destruction.  I had seen great success with Beachbody from my coach and I knew that not only buying Cize and Shakeology, I needed to sign up as a coach to hold me to the utmost accountability! So far, I LOVE the results!

So think of me as YOUR BFF. If you want to get in the best shape of your life: physically, emotionally, financially, ethically... I am the coach to help you. I don't always succeed at first, but I WILL tell you about my failures so you don't have to repeat them. Isn't that what BFFs are for?

Stay tuned for Clean Eating advice, fitness and fashion fun and great times! Natalie